![]() I recently read this book. It’s easy to read, relatively short, small pages, and big type. Here are some of what I took away from this book! The Bible is full of stories about eating at a table together. The Table is the opportunity to share stories of our lives. The Table is the opportunity to be leaders of instruction, and to tell our family history. The Table is where community is found and Identity is formed! The Table is where we find family, friends, and our very existence.
What is the relationship between a professor and a student in the University environment, especially at a Christian University?
How does a professor balance wanting to show care and love for them as you should, and also being distant enough to be their professor, mentor, advisor, leader and teacher? It's often not an easy balance. My phone buzzed and dinged. Seeing who was on the other end made me smile. It was one of my former work colleagues. Leslie Doubleday Heizman was the Director of marketing for Arkansas Surgical Hospital in Maumelle, Arkansas. She was looking for an assistant, or a coordinator of marketing services for the hospital. I had an advertising campaigns class that had just completed an assignment capstone project for this same hospital. Leslie, knowing that I had graduating advertising in PR majors every year asked me if I could recommend an entry-level person for her, perhaps even one of the students who had just worked on our class campaign for the hospital?
When you don’t know the answer in a multiple-choice question always go with “c.” As a young person, I was never a good student. Partially because I was a poor test taker. I didn’t like the testing process because I didn’t think it was a good indicator of my knowledge or skill set. Ok, maybe I was also undisciplined and lazy. Simply put, I just didn’t want to do, what I didn’t want to do. I graduated with a lowly 2.0 GPA. As I grew up and matured, I seemed to have bloomed and became a natural student, because I was curious, and wanted to learn more for my own benefit.
This is my story of finding Amazing Grace at Wheaton College!
When I worked in Carol Stream, Illinois in the late 90’s I often took my lunch break on the campus of Wheaton College. I would sit on a bench on their front law, use their library for some research on various areas for my work. I would even eat lunch in the Wheaton cafeteria, (and yes, Wheaton College had a GREAT Food Service in their cafeteria). After lunch I would often browse in their bookstore. I love graduations. I didn't used to. I hated sitting on the hard bleachers in a hot gym for two hours, or an outside venue that should have been indoors. After all, I was only there for about two-to-four seconds of my loved ones name to be announced and to see them walk across the stage. Then I was done. Can we go home now?
Monday, December 19, 2022 - I awoke this morning, as per usual, and checked my messages to see if the world still existed outside of my cozy corner of the world. It still did for me, but one of my long-time, admired, former students, Carol Earnhart-Butts, unexpectedly, and suddenly passed away yesterday.
![]() This church building with built in 1878, at the time it was noted, “on the corner of Federal and Pearl Streets,” later named Jordan Avenue. Previous to that time the Universalist's had built a building on this site. It was taken over by the Unitarians in 1847 and moved to another area, possibly either Pennelville or Mere Point. Later it was sold to the Granger's and moved back into town where it was an apartment house on the corner of Union Street and Gilman Avenue. ![]() The first moment of one day in the world, in the place where every day begins. There is a Chinese Proverb that says, one picture is worth a thousand words. As a storyteller, words and pictures are the tools of my trade. This photo may not look like much, but to me, it’s worth a LOT more than a thousand words! Since I took this photo, I have contemplated this story so many times. |
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